Simple version of Eliza in Scheme

September 30, 2009
by Lee Spector (lspector)

I’ve converted my simple version of Eliza to Scheme and have pasted it in below — click “Read the rest of this entry” to get to it if you don’t see it here. We’re working on tweaking the site to allow source code attachments, which will make this easier for all of us to use for sharing code in the future (soon, I hope!).


Update: I think we got the code attachments working, and here is a link.

#lang scheme
;; derived from code by Peter Norvig published in PARADIGMS OF ARTIFICIAL
;; INTELLIGENCE PROGRAMMING, Morgan Kaufmann publishers, 1992.
;; simplified and modified for class demonstration by Lee Spector 
;; (, 1994.
;; rewritten for PLT Scheme by Lee Spector
;; (, 2009.


This file contains PLT Scheme source code for a simplified version of the ELIZA
conversation program. The code is adapted from Peter Norvig's code, but many
changes have been made to avoid the use of advanced constructs and to translate
Common Lisp to Scheme. To run the system evaluate all of the code in this file
and then evaluate (eliza). The dialogue may be terminated either by an explicit
abort or by typing "bye" to the Eliza prompt.


;; variable/binding handling functions
;; (Norvig used association lists and sublis)

(define subst
  ;; returns a copy of list with all instances of old replaced with new
  (lambda (new old list)
    (cond ((null? list) '())
          ((not (pair? list))
           (if (equal? list old) new list))
          (else (cons (subst new old (car list))
                      (subst new old (cdr list)))))))

(define subvv 
  ;; Returns list with substitutions made as indicated in in varval-list.
  (lambda (varval-list list)
    (for ((varval-pair varval-list))
      (set! list (subst (second varval-pair) (first varval-pair) list)))

(define variable-p
  ;; Is x a variable (a symbol beginning with `?')?
  (lambda (x)
    (and (symbol? x)
         (equal? (string-ref (symbol->string x) 0)

(define segment-pattern-p 
  ;; Is this a segment-matching pattern: (?*var ...)
  (lambda (pat)
    (and (pair? pat)
         (not (pair? (car pat)))
         (>= (string-length (symbol->string (car pat))) 2)
         (equal? (string-ref (symbol->string (car pat)) 0) #\?)
         (equal? (string-ref (symbol->string (car pat)) 1) #\*))))

(define get-binding 
  ;; Find a (variable value) pair in a binding list.
  (lambda (var bindings)
    (cond ((null? bindings) #f)
          ((equal? var (caar bindings))
           (car bindings))
          (else (get-binding var (cdr bindings)))))) 

(define binding-val 
  ;; Get the value part of a single binding.
  (lambda (binding)
    (cadr binding)))

(define lookup 
  ;; Get the value part (for var) from a binding list.
  (lambda (var bindings)
    (binding-val (get-binding var bindings))))

(define extend-bindings 
  ;; Add a (var value) pair to a binding list.
  (lambda (var val bindings)
    (cons (list var val) bindings)))

;; pattern matching

(define match-variable 
  ;; Does VAR match input?  Uses (or updates) and returns bindings.
  (lambda (var input bindings)
    (let ((binding (get-binding var bindings)))
      (cond ((not binding)
             (extend-bindings var input bindings))
            ((equal? input (binding-val binding))
            (else #f)))))

(define pat-match 
  ;; Match pattern against input in the context of the bindings
  (lambda (pattern input (bindings '()))
    (cond ((equal? bindings #f) #f)
          ((variable-p pattern)
           (match-variable pattern input bindings))
          ((equal? pattern input) bindings)
          ((segment-pattern-p pattern)
           (segment-match pattern input bindings))
          ((and (pair? pattern) (pair? input)) 
           (pat-match (rest pattern)
                      (rest input)
                      (pat-match (first pattern)
                                 (first input) 
          (else #f))))

;; our segment match is not as robust as Norvig's
(define segment-match 
  ;; Match the segment pattern (?*var remainder) against input.
  (lambda (pattern input bindings)
    (let ((var (first pattern))
          (remainder (rest pattern)))
      (if (null? remainder)
          (match-variable var input bindings)
          (if (member (first remainder) input)
              (pat-match remainder
                         (member (first remainder) input)
                         (match-variable var
                                         (upto (first remainder) input)

;; utilities

(define upto 
  ;; Returns the list up to, but not including the first element that is
  ;; equal? to the given item.
  (lambda (item list)
    (cond ((null? list) '())
          ((equal? item (car list)) '())
          (else (cons (car list) (upto item (cdr list)))))))

(define random-elt 
  ;; Choose an element from a list at random.
  (lambda (choices)
    (list-ref choices (random (length choices)))))

;; rule access

(define rule-pattern 
  (lambda (rule) 
    (first rule)))

(define rule-responses 
  (lambda (rule) 
    (rest rule)))

;; viewpoint switching

;; ours is more complicated than Norvig's because we can't use sublis
;; to do substitutions in parallel
(define switch-viewpoint 
  ;; Change I to you and vice versa, and so on.
  (lambda (words)
    (subvv '((**I you) (**you I) (**me you) (**am are))
           (subvv '((I **I) (you **you) (me **me) (am **am))

;; sample rule set

(define *eliza-rules*
 '(((?*x hello ?*y)      
    (How do you do.  Please state your problem.))
   ((?*x computer ?*y)
    (Do computers worry you?)
    (What do you think about machines?)
    (Why do you mention computers?)
    (What do you think machines have to do with your problem?))
   ((?*x name ?*y)
    (I am not interested in names))
   ((?*x sorry ?*y)
    (Please don't apologize)
    (Apologies are not necessary)
    (What feelings do you have when you apologize))
   ((?*x I remember ?*y) 
    (Do you often think of ?*y)
    (Does thinking of ?*y bring anything else to mind?)
    (What else do you remember)
    (Why do you recall ?*y right now?)
    (What in the present situation reminds you of ?*y)
    (What is the connection between me and ?*y))
   ((?*x do you remember ?*y)
    (Did you think I would forget ?*y ?)
    (Why do you think I should recall ?*y now)
    (What about ?*y)
    (You mentioned ?*y))
   ((?*x if ?*y) 
    (Do you really think its likely that ?*y)
    (Do you wish that ?*y)
    (What do you think about ?*y)
    (Really-- if ?*y))
   ((?*x I dreamt ?*y)
    (Really-- ?*y)
    (Have you ever fantasized ?*y while you were awake?)
    (Have you dreamt ?*y before?))
   ((?*x dream about ?*y)
    (How do you feel about ?*y in reality?))
   ((?*x dream ?*y)    
    (What does this dream suggest to you?)
    (Do you dream often?)
    (What persons appear in your dreams?)
    (Don't you believe that dream has to do with your problem?))
   ((?*x my mother ?*y)
    (Who else in your family ?*y)
    (Tell me more about your family))
   ((?*x my father ?*y)
    (Your father)
    (Does he influence you strongly?) 
    (What else comes to mind when you think of your father?))
   ((?*x I want ?*y)     
    (What would it mean if you got ?*y)
    (Why do you want ?*y)
    (Suppose you got ?*y soon))
   ((?*x I am glad ?*y)
    (How have I helped you to be ?*y)
    (What makes you happy just now)
    (Can you explain why you are suddenly ?*y))
   ((?*x I am sad ?*y)
    (I am sorry to hear you are depressed)
    (I'm sure its not pleasant to be sad))
   ((?*x are like ?*y)   
    (What resemblance do you see between ?*x and ?*y))
   ((?*x is like ?*y)    
    (In what way is it that ?*x is like ?*y)
    (What resemblance do you see?)
    (Could there really be some connection?)
   ((?*x alike ?*y)      
    (In what way?)
    (What similarities are there?))
   ((?*x same ?*y)       
    (What other connections do you see?))
   ((?*x I was ?*y)       
    (Were you really?)
    (Perhaps I already knew you were ?*y)
    (Why do you tell me you were ?*y now?))
   ((?*x was I ?*y)
    (What if you were ?*y ?)
    (Do you thin you were ?*y)
    (What would it mean if you were ?*y))
   ((?*x I am ?*y)       
    (In what way are you ?*y)
    (Do you want to be ?*y ?))
   ((?*x am I ?*y)
    (Do you believe you are ?*y)
    (Would you want to be ?*y)
    (You wish I would tell you you are ?*y)
    (What would it mean if you were ?*y))
   ((?*x am ?*y)
    (Why do you say "AM?")
    (I don't understand that))
   ((?*x are you ?*y)
    (Why are you interested in whether I am ?*y or not?)
    (Would you prefer if I weren't ?*y)
    (Perhaps I am ?*y in your fantasies))
   ((?*x you are ?*y)   
    (What makes you think I am ?*y ?))
   ((?*x because ?*y)
    (Is that the real reason?)
    (What other reasons might there be?)
    (Does that reason seem to explain anything else?))
   ((?*x were you ?*y)
    (Perhaps I was ?*y)
    (What do you think?)
    (What if I had been ?*y))
   ((?*x I can't ?*y)    
    (Maybe you could ?*y now)
    (What if you could ?*y ?))
   ((?*x I feel ?*y)     
    (Do you often feel ?*y ?))
   ((?*x I felt ?*y)     
    (What other feelings do you have?))
   ((?*x I ?*y you ?*z)  
    (Perhaps in your fantasy we ?*y each other))
   ((?*x why don't you ?*y)
    (Should you ?*y yourself?)
    (Do you believe I don't ?*y)
    (Perhaps I will ?*y in good time))
   ((?*x yes ?*y)
    (You seem quite positive)
    (You are sure)
    (I understand))
   ((?*x no ?*y)
    (Why not?)
    (You are being a bit negative)
    (Are you saying "NO" just to be negative?))
   ((?*x someone ?*y)
    (Can you be more specific?))
   ((?*x everyone ?*y)
    (surely not everyone)
    (Can you think of anyone in particular?)
    (Who for example?)
    (You are thinking of a special person))
   ((?*x always ?*y)
    (Can you think of a specific example)
    (What incident are you thinking of?)
    (Really-- always))
   ((?*x what ?*y)
    (Why do you ask?)
    (Does that question interest you?)
    (What is it you really want to know?)
    (What do you think?)
    (What comes to your mind when you ask that?))
   ((?*x perhaps ?*y)    
    (You do not seem quite certain))
   ((?*x are ?*y)
    (Did you think they might not be ?*y)
    (Possibly they are ?*y))
    (good bye))
    (Very interesting)
    (I am not sure I understand you fully)
    (What does that suggest to you?)
    (Please continue)
    (Go on) 
    (Do you feel strongly about discussing such things?))))

;; top level

(define use-eliza-rules 
  ;; Find some rule with which to transform the input.
  (lambda (input)
    (let ((match-result #f)(matching-rule #f))
      ;; find the matching rule
      (for ((rule *eliza-rules*))
        (unless matching-rule
          (set! match-result
                (pat-match (rule-pattern rule) input))
          (when match-result
            (set! matching-rule rule))))
      ;; return the result of the substitutions
      (subvv (switch-viewpoint match-result)
             (random-elt (rule-responses matching-rule))))))

(define remove-punctuation
  ;; Returns str with punctuation replaced with spaces.
  (lambda (str) 
    (let ((punctuation (string->list ".,;:`!?#-()\\\""))
          (str-list (string->list str)))
      (for ((c punctuation))
        (set! str-list (subst #\space c str-list)))
      (list->string str-list))))

(define read-line-no-punct
  ;; Read an input line, ignoring punctuation.
  (lambda ()
    (read (open-input-string
           (string-append "(" (remove-punctuation (read-line)) ")")))))

(define print-with-spaces 
  ;; Print the elements of a list separated by spaces.
  (lambda (list)
    (for ((item list))
      (printf "~A " item))
    (printf "\n")))

(define eliza 
  ;; Respond to user input using pattern matching rules.
  (lambda ()
    (do ((done #f))
      (printf "eliza> ")
      (let* ((input (read-line-no-punct))
             (response (flatten (use-eliza-rules input))))
        (print-with-spaces response)
        (when (equal? response '(good bye)) (set! done #t))))))

(printf "~%Type (eliza) to run Eliza. Type \"bye\" to quit Eliza.~%")

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